
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you have a question you would like to ask, please send it to questions@labtoipo.com with a subject line of FAQ Question.

FAQs for [xx-DAO]

  • What are the restrictions on operation of the xx-DAO and GDAO?
    The only primary caveat for all DAO, xx-DAO, Guilds and DAI is that projects sourced through the PIPE Platform are ALWAYS backed UNLESS the majority vote not to. This is a DAO decision and open to a vote by each xx-DAO, Guild, DAI and the PGF DAO. The "evergreen" process allows the PGF to offer grants/loans to research projects and universities and to develop their own projects.
  • What is the maximum size to which an xx-DAO can grow?
    The size of an xx-DAO is limited to the sum of members holdings in the PGF x10. Therefore 10 xx-DAO members, each holding €25,000 equivalent gives a maximum value of €2.5m equivalent in the new xx-DAO.
  • Who controls an xx-DAO?
    An xx-DAO is controlled by its membership.
  • Why is there a limit on an xx-DAOs participation?
    A limit is placed upon what the system sees as available liquidity within an xx-DAO in order to ensure that there is always a balance of liquidity available through the PGF.

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