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FAQs for [AUDIT]
Can you prove that someone has or has not seen a disclosure? The system is built around an assess security layer that identifies individual logins and the actions that they take. If the login can be tied back to a person, then the tracking exists to establish if an individual has seen the subject title of, the detail of, or submitted a review to a disclosure. In the same way it can show that an individual has not seen the title of, or the detail of a disclosure.
This is an outcome of the systems auditing functionality that helps us to see what the level of engagement with a disclosure is, i.e. for every x people seeing the title how many could be bothered to look at the content, and for those looking at the content how many started or completed a review.
Is there an audit summary of the deliverables achieved by a project? Each deliverable required of a project will have to have been reviewed and passed before it can be considered to have been completed and delivered. At the end of various stages within the QED process there are audit points whereby the responsibility for having checked that the deliverables required up to that point is accepted by signatories of the audit point. In the event of a late change to a deliverable any audit points that may have covered that deliverable are subsequently invalidated and require re-signature. This process continues through to the point where the submission to the IIC is made and the IIC signs off on the Funding Schedule.
From there the PC is delivering the additional steps of the QED process in order to reach the specified KPIs identified as trigger points for release of the reserved funds in the Funding Schedule. Attainment of these KPIs invariably involves a sign off from the officers of the PC to the effect that the KPI has been achieved and a warranting countersignature from a PIPE Board Observer that this is the case.
Initially all such Statements of Fact will be lodged on the consensus service of the DLT to become a part of the public record.
What auditing requirements does PIPE impose upon Protégé Companies? All Protégé Companies are expected to adhere to a recognised standard of accounting and audit that can be easily compared and is open to scrutiny. Our partner firm for independent auditing generally is KPMG.
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